Your Ultimate Guide to Pricing for Laser Cut Signs – Wood and Acrylic

laser cut wood and acrylic signs pricing guide

laser cut wood and acrylic signs pricing guide


This guide is meant to help you create a custom laser cut sign that will add a unique touch to your space. Whether you're looking for a wood sign, a color acrylic sign, or a mirror acrylic sign, I have a variety of options to suit your needs.  We will also explore paint, dye and color options along with mounting options for your new piece.  Make sure you ask me questions about materials including transparent materials, frosted materials, opaque acrylic, double sided tape backing and many other options. Also ask me about built in architectural elements and lighting options.


1. 1/8" Birch Wood Signs 24 to 36 inches: These wood signs start at the most basic but also powerful type of sign which is a birch wood with black paint sign. We use high-quality 1/8" birch wood as a base option and this pricing guide starts on a two-color design. This base pricing is for signs ranging from 24 to 36 inches wide. You have lots of options from thicker wood and specialty wood types to using wood dyes which tint the wood but still leave the wood grain visible. Any Size Available.

  • Base Price: Ranges from $199 to $333. I could create most wood signs in this range. Larger Sizes Available.
  • Additional Options: There are options available at additional cost including Extra colors, specialty woods, larger sizes, mixed materials, built-in signs and others
  • Mounting Options: Various options depending on your mounting surface. Are you mounting to drywall, wood, concrete or other?

laser cut wood signs custom pricing guide

laser cut wood signs custom pricing guide


2. 1/8" Color Acrylic Signs 24 to 36 inches: Color acrylic signs are vibrant and versatile and there are numerous color choices available. I am starting this pricing guide at a small and basic black and white opaque acrylic sign. These signs consist of a 1/8" backing with a 1/16" top acrylic layer of another color.  There are lots of upgrade options for acrylic including color, texture, matt finish and you can also select from transparent, opaque, or frosted finishes. There is also the option of creating an in-lay with different color acrylics or stained acrylic windows are available. Don't forget I could also build objects out of acrylic like branded boxes or podiums. Ask me about what I could do with your logo and I will provide you with detailed drawings of what I will build for your space.

  • Base Price: Ranges from $266 - $399. I could create most colored acrylic signs in this range. Larger Sizes Available.
  • Additional Options: Different color combinations, finishes, transparencies
  • Mounting Options: Various options depending on your mounting surface

laser cut acrylic signs custom pricing guide

laser cut acrylic signs custom pricing guide

3. 1/8" Mirror Acrylic Signs 24 to 36 inches: These are my favorite to build because the mirrored lettering pops out at you. Mirror acrylic signs are the way to go if you want lots of eyes on your logo. Acrylic mirror is manufactured in limited colors such as gold, silver, pink, green, blue, purple, orange, and yellow. these colors create a tint to the mirror that makes, these signs the most attractive to the eye. You also have the option of mixing materials such as mirrored letters mounted on wood or colored acrylic. One of my favorite combinations is silver letters mounted on dyed wood. Send me your logo and I will build you an awesome mirror acrylic sign.

  • Base Price: Range from $299 - $499. I could create most mirrored acrylic signs in this range. Larger Sizes Available.
  • Additional Options: Double mirror, colored back
  • Mounting Options: Various options depending on your mounting surface.


laser cut mirror acrylic signs custom pricing guide

laser cut mirror acrylic signs custom pricing guide




Design Services: I offer a wide range of design services from creating branding to custom artworks. LMK what you need.

Mounting Options: Depending on the surface you plan to mount your sign to, we have several mounting options available. We'll work with you to ensure your sign is securely displayed.



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